nocode encryption

NoCode-X offers automatic encryption of data at rest

Sensitive data is all around us! Applications can store various types of data depending on their purpose and functionality. In many cases the data stored by application can be considered sensitive. If this kind of data is compromised (meaning a...

Nocode database

4 tips for creating data-centric applications.

Data makes the world go round “Data is the new gold”… We’ve all heard this quote & we all know that it holds some truth to it. Organizations today consider data as on of their most important assets. Data and...

No code https out of the box

Is your web-application is secure…? Today: “Ciphers”

  Yes, it looks good! Yes it works! But many people or developers don’t see the cyber security challenges of web applications. Businesses must be served and the business functionalities need to rock and roll. But cyber resilience is a...

Security breach nocode

F5 vulnerability, patch management offered?

A new Security vulnerability in detected in F5.  And yes it is a 9.8/10 meaning trivial to exploit with maximum damage…. In other words all hell is breaking loose. The new F5 RCE vulnerability, CVE-2022-1388, is trivial to exploit. We...

How can a nocode platform help drive security.

Security is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge. These days every single organization is digitizing and automating their processes. A huge number of applications are created every day. Most of the times aiming at a more efficient way of working...