Replace spreadsheets by nocode applications

Spreadsheets are a great start but… Spreadsheets have been around since the 1970s, and they are still a popular tool for organizing data and performing calculations. However, as technology advances, it becomes increasingly clear that spreadsheets are not the most...

nocode encryption

NoCode-X offers automatic encryption of data at rest

Sensitive data is all around us! Applications can store various types of data depending on their purpose and functionality. In many cases the data stored by application can be considered sensitive. If this kind of data is compromised (meaning a...

nocode e-health

Create a secure medical platform with NoCode-X (Part I): Creating a register page

In this tutorial series, we will learn how to create a simple no code medical platform web application in NoCode-X. Users will be able to create accounts and login, enter any health issues they may have and a doctor will...

Save restaurant test

Create a restaurant reviewing app with NoCode-X (Part II): Adding images to restaurants

In this series we will learn how to build a restaurant reviewing application using the NoCode-X platform. Our application will allow users to add new restaurants and leave ratings and comments about them. In the first part we created a...

No code https out of the box

Is your web-application is secure…? Today: “Ciphers”

  Yes, it looks good! Yes it works! But many people or developers don’t see the cyber security challenges of web applications. Businesses must be served and the business functionalities need to rock and roll. But cyber resilience is a...

Create a restaurant reviewing app with NoCode-X (Part I): Creating restaurants

In this series we will learn how to build a restaurant reviewing application using the NoCode-X platform. Our application will allow users to add new restaurants and leave ratings and comments about them. In the first part we will create...